
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Rules to disentangle rebellious natured children

Ubqari Magazine - February 2016

In the current times, a lot has been found on childrens development and parents know the best as to how children learn and how childhoods feelings and thoughts affect their futures wishes and preferences.

Changing notions on children’s upbringing has put a lot of wise parents in an odd delusion. Till the starting of the prior century, this theory was widely common that not using power in the upbringing of children leads to faults in upbringing of children. In other words, obedience of the house chief and fulfilling his orders was compulsory. On any of the children’s mistakes no excuse was heard, only punishment was given. Children used to spend very little time with parents at home. In the rich families, children were on the mercy of maids and employees where as in the poor families, children used to be busy in physical exercises or used to be outside homes in the fields playing. Nowadays children spend most of their time in the nearness of their parents. That’s why the issue of discipline in children has become of huge importance.

In the current times, a lot has been found on children’s development and parents know the best as to how children learn and how childhood’s feelings and thoughts affect their future’s wishes and preferences. After knowing this parents are now worried as to why and how to use ways for a good upbringing of their children? In context to the nourishment of children, different philosophies ranging from strict discipline to very mild discipline are present. In this regard, parents are advised to use their common sense. Too much and too less discipline, both are harmful. A lot of evidences are present of this, criminals are from a background where children are deprived of kindness and love. They are beaten and are punished in every matter, irresponsible approach is used. All this is done in the name of discipline and where the approach is opposite of this, the results are no different. Unluckily, people of the second class who are different from the first class are no less. Unnecessary love spoils the children and the effects of it can be seen after they reach adulthood in the form of bad temper, distress and anxiety. To take a middle way between the aforementioned ways is no easy job, but systematic and consistent parents can start this effort by creating an atmosphere of mutual trust, respect and admiration between them and their children. In an atmosphere like this, neither the child can rule over the entire household nor he can create hostility against parents, instead his innocent wishes are respected. Just as the mother molds herself according to her child’s needs in the early days of his life, the child also learns to change himself in accordance with his mother’s expectations. As he grows up, he learns to control his emotions, becomes patient and thankful. Learns the significance of habits and grace, gradually he gets used to discipline. They may mutually consent and determine a norm which they want to implement in their house. If one side is very kind hearted and soft natured, the other one is contentious, in such atmosphere only a cumbrous and wicked child will be acquired. In cases like these parents often call their child wicked or with bad-child like names or they say, “we do not know what to do with this child”. In reality the child himself does not know what to do with his self. Sometimes with a little wisdom and thoughtfulness, the standard of discipline can be obtained in a tremendous way. For example, sentimentalities of disinclination are expressed from a young age. In reality, the child does not know how to express his emotions. Slowly the child’s difficulty can be eased up by helping him in understanding and learning that the parents do not expect of him to show his emotions in an incorrect manner. Beating, bad temper or irritations are signs of rebellious nature. In this situation, the child must be dealt in according to his age and mental level. Hostile feelings in a child often lead him to destruction. Solution to this is providing the child with balloons and toys so that he could take out his frustration by breaking them. Don’t punish him if he breaks his and others’ toys by mistake and if punishment is necessary then the punishment should not be lethargic and in accordance with the mistake so that it is known to him that such attitude is intolerable. Punishment should not be physical or prolonged. Another problem faced by parents is that they ask this question, “to what extent should we debate with a child and making them understand our point through testimonies?” the answer to this is based on the child’s age temper and household’s atmosphere. Children of small age are habitual of saying “no”. They are too young to have any form of debate, so avoiding it is better. For any order, any simple reasoning is enough. Parents should also be careful about the nature of instructions and orders, that they are practicable. Strict policy is a must but the parents should also consider that at this point of child’s nourishment, expectations from him. Parents should make the child aware of the task and if he has any reservations, he would inform them. As the child grown up, his ability to understand instructions increases. I don’t think any parent would like that the child follows all instructions without thinking about it being blind folded. Children respect their parents who take care of their children’s sentiments. They respect their inclinations towards new experiments. If the child presents with a solid point, they are ready to retract their commands. Killing the child’s wishes and dispositions just in the name of discipline is no wisdom. 

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